Welcome Bellevue/Eastside nannies

1 - 4 years
5 years and older
What does it take to be a Spilt Milk Nannies Sitter?
SMN sitters need to have years of prior babysitting experience. Sitters must pass a thorough screening by the owner including an in-person interview, 2-3 professional reference checks and a background check. Sitters need to be reliable, flexible, creative and active.
How do I start working with Spilt Milk Nannies?
Sitters need to submit this form and the owners will then reach out regarding the next steps.
How many hours can I get booked?
This depends on the needs of the families and the amount of availability you have posted.
How do we input a schedule?
In SMN you enter the dates and times you are available using a calendar on the website. You can edit your schedule as often as you need. Once you are booked for a shift, that appointment is confirmed and your responsibility to fulfill.
Who pays me and how do I get paid?
The families in SMN employ you directly and will pay you at the end of every nannying shift. Most commonly this is done by cash, check, Venmo, Square or PayPal; the payment method is decided by you and each family.
What are your expectations of me (the nanny)?
Every sitter is expected to arrive for the appointment on time with a positive mindset. Sitters should engage with the children and attend to parent instructions and expectations for the day. Communication is key when meeting families for the first time. Sitters are expected to cook, clean up after meals and children, keep children safe, follow bedtime routines, and most importantly be very active and engaged with children. Driving should be approved by the family before the shift.
What can I expect from the families?
Families in SMN are expected to be respectful, trusting, and kind to the sitters. They are expected to communicate their specific needs for each sitter upon arrival at their home. If you have agreed to drive for the family, you should be paid the 2022 federal reimbursement rate of $.625 per mile.